(815) 503-0286 matt@matthewlbrennan.com

Your website is the most important component of your online marketing. It’s a part of your sales force, and needs to be written in an engaging manner, that stirs readers to complete your call to action. That’s a tall order. Here are nine tips for how to get there.

  • Answer their most important questions. What do your readers want to know by clicking on a given page? It’s an important question, and one that you should be able to answer in a way that will keep people interested.
  • Spelling and grammar count. A misspelled word or obvious grammatical error can carry a financial impact. They reduce your credibility and can cause readers to click away.
  • Brevity. If it can be said in five words, don’t use 10.
  • Think Visual. Subheads, pictures, lists and graphics all help readers move from point A to point B. They help illustrate your point.
  • Strong word choice. Action verbs pack punch.
  •  If you want your readers to do something, ask. A strong call to action helps your readers understand your intended purpose.
  • Check, and check again. Sometimes embarrassing typos slip through copy. Make sure you’re reading your work before you publish.
  • Establish the difference. Your competitors also have great talking points. Answer this question: What makes you the better choice?
  • Get personal. By invoking your voice and style into your writing in a professional manner, you’re setting yourself apart from your competitors.

Be honest with yourself. If writing is not your strong suit, do not be afraid to hire an affordable website content specialist to help you with your most important marketing.

Matt Brennan is a Chicago-area marketing writer and copy editor. He is also the author of Write Right-Sell Now.